Помогите составить текст используя все слова:
line, dial, conversation, department store, behind, mobile, e-mail, neighbour, metre, text-messaging, behaviour, teenage, girl, computer, memories, teacher, similar, turn away, number, вечеринка(party) , chat room, Internet, celebration, polite, cord , conversation, interrupt, eavesdrop, couldn’t help, avoid, option, school, in front of, conversation, listen, similar, old enough, important.

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I overheard the teacher at school, in the room for discussions, politely suggested from to celebrate a party and having had a talk, asked girls: you couldn't help? Look in the computer, on the Internet or at the neighbor in e-mail or exchange text messages, the memoirs, similar teenage behavior. What to avoid not a right choice, before important and without interruption a party, it is necessary: to listen and number disks, only bring a cord. The party will be in rather old department store, which behind the mobile line, on meter.

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