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пример: 0) In 1989, Canada joined the Organisatinion of American States.
a member
Since1989, Canada has been a member of the Organisation of American States.
1)Canada is one of world's wealthiest countries with strong democratic traditions.
2)Canada is one of the leading mineral producers in the world.
3)A large proportion of Canada's mineral production  goes abroad.
4) Its  main trading partners are America, China, and Japan.
5) Canada is also connected with the EEC  and other traditional European trading nations.
6) Canada joined the United Nations in 1945.
7) Canadian culture has been influenced by British, French and American cultures and traditions  very much.
    British, French and American cultures and traditions_________________________________________________________.
8) The country is highly developed in the areas of health, education, social protection and human rights.
   The country___________________________________________________.

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Canada was recognized as the one of the wealthiest countries with strong democratic traditions

Canada exports a large proportion of its production.

Canada trades withAmerica,ChinaandJapan.

Canada links with the EEC  and other traditions European trading nations.

Canada became a member of United Nations in 1945.

British, French and American cultures and traditions have enormous influential in Canadian culture.

The country is highly developed in the fields of health, education, social protection and human rights.

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