ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS. 1)What can you buy at the baker's? 2)What can you buy at the butcher's? 3)Don't You buy sweets at the greengrocer's,don't you? 4)Where can you buy sour cream? 5)Where can you buy fish? помогите,отблагадарю:)

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1. At the baker's you can buy different kinds of bread, buns and rolls, and also such things as cookies, cakes, cupcakes  and other bakery products.2. At the butcher's you can buy different kinds of meat - beef, pork, mutton or offal. 3. No, I don't. At the greengrocer's you can buy different vegetables and greens, such as green onions, parsley, fennel (or dill), salad and so on. When I need to buy sweets, I usually visit a candy store or confectionary. 4. People buy sour cream at the dairy shop. 5. You can buy fish at the fishmonger's. Sometimes fish can be bought at the supermarket.

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