Помогите! Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи.
1. The teacher said to us, "You will have to work hard tomorrow."
2. She said to me, "How long are you going to stay in the country?"
3. He asked me, "When will you go to the canteen?"
4. He said, "I shall come to the party if I am free tomorrow."
5. My mother said to me, "It wil be difficuit for you to get up tomorrow if you do not go to bed at once."

Есть ответ



1. The teacher told us we would have to work hard the next day.

2. She asked me for how long i was going to stay in the country.

3. He asked me about when would i go to the canteen.

4. He said that he would come to the party if he was free the next day.

5. My mother told me that it would be difficult for me to get up tomorrow if i didn't go to bed at once

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