Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в соответствующем вре¬мени, лице и числе. 1. Your sister often (to stay) at the office after work for her English? 2. I often (not to get) telegrams from my friends. I often (to get) letters from them. 3. Who often (to discuss) plans with these engineers? 4. What (to discuss) they now? 5. You (to be) going to discuss this question tomorrow morning?

Есть ответ



1. Does your sister often stay at the office after work for her English?

2. I often don't get telegrams from my friends. I often get letters from them.

3. Who often discusses plans with these engineers?

4. What are they discussing now? 5. Are you going to discuss this question tomorrow morning?

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