Rewrite the sentences putting the verbs into the Past Simple Tense. Start them with the words in brackets.
1. Most birds go away to warmer countries every autumn. (Last month....)
2. The light wind is blowing outside now. (Yesterday evening....)
3. The rainbow is in the sky now.  (Yesterday evening....)
 4. The clouds look like white sheep.  (Yesterday afternoon....) 
5. It is slippery. (Two days ago.....)
6. The weather is changeable this month. (Last month....)
7. The sky is blue and cloudless today.  (Yesterday morning....) 

Есть ответ


1)last month birds went away to warmer countries.

2)yesterday evening the light wind blowing outside.

3)yesterday evening the rainbow was in the sky.

4)yesterday afternoon the clouds looked like white sheep.

5)two days ago it was slippery .

6)last month the weather was changeable.

7)yesterday morning the sky were blue and cloudless.

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