Помогите составить диолог  В паре . Я с мальчиком его зовут женя . Диолог о чем либо только средний 7 класса и с переводом на анг-яз !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Задание 4 Б 

Есть ответ


-Hi, Zhenya!

-Hi! Where have you been, I could find you nowhere!

-I was in a trip to Uzbekistan. Oh, it was so interesting!

-Who were with you there?

-My older sister. We have enjoyed for 2 weeks.

-Did you like Uzbekistan?

-I did. It's a wonderful country, the sun is always shining, the trees are in blossom and people are kind and caring

-What did you visited?

-I visited an old mosque, a choyhona, went shopping in the bazaar.

-That's great! I think, I'd like to visit Uzbekistan too



















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