СРОЧНО ПОМОГИТЕ С АНГЛИЙСКИМДАЮ 50 БАЛЛОВI. Open the brackets using the verbs in Passive Voice1. The library always (to close) at night2. You (to introduce) to Mr. Brown yesterday3. The fence (no to paint) yet4. The room (to clean) tomorrow5. Oranges (to grow) in CubaII. Choose the right form of the verb1. They don't want their friends... a liea) tell b) to tell2. The teachers hate the pupils... lazya) to be b) be3. My mother often makes me... the roomsa) do b) to do4. Girls always like... what I wanta) do b) to doIII. Make up right choice1. Who speaks English in your family? I... a) am b) do c) does2. Antony is from... Sydneya) a b) the c) -3. This is my dog,... tail is bushya) it's b) its c) it4. When you ride a bicycle you take care of... a) yourselves b) yourself c) themselves5. The closes... very dirtya) am b) is c) areIV. Make up sentences1.symbol, the Queen, in, is, Britain, a of, the country, history, its, and, traditions2. Situated, Scotland, is, a, of England, very, romantic, for, famous, valleys, and, waterfalls, lakes, its, the north, to3.greatest, one, the, of, poets, is, Shakespeare, in, the world4. If, want, good, to have, marks, you, should, you, hard, workV. Use reported speech1. The teacher said:"Collect the books, pupils "2. Jack said:"What time is it"3. Mother said:"I am ill"4. The student said:"I have passed my exams"5. Mother said:" Don't take my umbrella! "

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1. is always closed
2.  are introduced
3. has no been painted
4. was cleaned
5. are grown



the teacher told pupils to collect the books
Jack asked what time it was
mother said that she was ill
the student said that he had passed his exams
mother said not to take her umbrella


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