Grammar exercisesGrammar bank5 using / last weekend / You / my computer1) Complete the sentences with the past/ werecontinuous form of these verbs.carry heridesit snow study travet-watch 6 He/ in the morning / searching/ for hishomework/ at eight o'clock / was1 It was very cold last night and it was showing2 Ltra t o Smolensk by train to visit5) Correct the aunt.3 My boyfriend worth the1 Was you reading a magazine? XChampionship match on TV.Were you reading a magazine?4 My mother .....Sit.......... in an armchair.2 It was raining? X5 The students carry for theirexams.3 Were they take an English exam at6 I saw you in town yesterday. Youschool?To........... your bike.7 She Study... a lot of books. I opened 4 Were you used the computer? Xthe door for her.8 My friend and I...........on the5 Were he escaping the hurricane? Xbeach.6 They was looking for me? X2) Complete the text with the negative pastcontinuous form of the verbs in brackets.I was on a skiing holiday with my family and we6) Match the sentence halves. Then write(1) weren't having (have) a good time. The sunnew sentences with when or while.(2)(shine) and we1 The cat stole the fish(3)(ski) because there wasn't2 The thief took my walletany snow. We (4).....(stay)3 The teacher read a magazinein a nice hotel. My dad (5)4 My mum was waiting for me(eat) because he was ill, and my sisters (6)5 I was running to meet my girlfriend(speak) to me.6 We were playing footballa) I wasn't looking.3 Complete the sentences with the pastb) I was making dinner.continuous form of the verbs in brackets.c) I arrived home.1 Sarah was reading a magazine, she wasn'td) I fell over.doing her homework. (read, not do)e) I kicked the ball into a window.2 The students ............. to the teacher.f) we were taking the exam.They.. (not listen, talk)1 The cat stole the fish while I was making3 Weon the beach, but wedinner.......... in the sea. (lie, not swim)41. ............. My brother ..................... loudmusic in his bedroom. (not sleep, play)5 The wildfire was near the houses. Peopleaway. Theyin theirhomes. (run, not stay)7 Complete the sentences with the past4 Order the words to make sentences.simple or past continuous form of the1 wasn't/lt/ yesterday /rainingverbs in brackets.It wasn't raining yesterday.1 He was eating his dinner when he heard2 driving home from work/ at six o'clock /a loud noise. (eat, hear)My father / was2 Anton and Boris ............ an accident whileMu frother WOLS driving home to Jock. they..a mountain. (have, climb)31/ wasn't / last Saturday / playing footpall3 It............... while we ..............last night.1 wasn't playing for all last Saturday. (snow, sleep)4 at nine o'clock / watching TV / weren't/4...of you when youThey / yesterday evening(think, phone)51your room while youwith your friends. (tidy, stay)107ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖ. КАЖДОЕ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЕ С ПЕРЕВОДАМ НАДО ПЛИИИЗ​

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