Напишите туристическую брошюру про Лондон НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ. В ней опишите достопримечательности этого города , что можно увидеть и посетить. Нужно 60 - 80 слов.

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Ответ:The Big Ben is the most popular landmark of Great Britain. The official name of this building is Elizabeth Tower but we know it as Big Ben. It was built in 1859 and only after 2012 people started calling it ‘Big Ben’. There are many places in London where you can buy a small souvenir in the shape of this place of interest.
London Eye is a beautiful landmark in London. It is situated on the bank of the river Thames. It can carry 800 people in each rotation. London Eye can be also used for weddings! Many couples organize wedding ceremonies in this landmark. It is unforgettable holiday!
Trafalgar Square is the geographical center of London. There is the monument in the center of this landmark. It is known as Nelson’s Column. This square is used for walking, demonstrations and holidays. It is very popular among tourists and citizens.


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