СРОЧНО!! Where 1) ............... (be) you yesterday afternoon? | 2) ... ..... (call) you all afternoon but there 3) ............,.... ..... (be) no answer. B: I a) (be) at home but You 5) .............. .. (probably/ring) me when | 6) ............... (rake) the leaves outside in the garden. WhY? A: I 7) . (finish) all mY errands and I 8) ....................... (think) we could see a film. 3 A: How long 1) (You/live) in Sydney before You 2) (move) back to London? B: We 3) .............. .. (live) in Sydney for ten years when the company that Richard 4) ...................... (work) for 5) (offer) him a position at the London office. A: 6) ......... ....... (you/want) to come back to London? B: Yes. We 7) ... . (be) both excited about coming home so Richard 8) ................ (accept) the job immediatelY.

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