Task 7. Complete the sentences with infinitive (to V) or gerund (Ving) 1. I like (watch)TV and (play) on my computer. 2.I would prefer (stay) in and (read) a book. Task 8. Report these sentences Mary said: “I will help my sister.” They told me: “We were really happy.” The policeman said: “Keep the silence, please.” The teacher told the students: “Don’t talk during the test.” “When will the next train arrive?” – I asked …… «Have you ever been to China, Sam?” – I asked …… Task 9. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the right form. If he … (be) my friend, I … (invite) him to the party. If I … (be) taller, I … (become) a basketball player. If an asteroid … (hit) our planet, it … (cause) an ice age. John … (travel) around the world if he … (win) a lottery prize.

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