I. Fill in the correct word. Have you _______________ stayed in a luxury hotel? Kate lives in the _______________ of flats opposite the park. We haven’t painted our living-room _______________ . He should buy a _______________ oven. He can cook a meal in a minute. My flat isn’t in the suburbs, it’s centrally _______________ . I found travelling _______________ coach rather boring. Fiona _______________ working in a café at the moment. She _______________ been watering the garden and the grass is wet. How _______________ going on a day trip to Brighton? It was the first _______________ that we had been to that restaurant. Jerry _______________ go with us tomorrow if you ask him personally. I enjoyed my walk through the narrow cobbled _______________ . Monica and Ann have been studying _______________ three hours. If you _______________ the dishes, I’ll clean the carpet . Let’s _______________ sightseeing and visit the ancient castle in the city centre. II. Complete with the correct future form of the verb in brackets . Don’t worry. I _______________ (show) you how the camera works. Oh no! I forgot to call Violet. I ______________ (call) her now. We __________________ (fly) to Madrid on Friday. Here are our tickets. I’m really tired. I think ___________________ (go) straight to bed. Look at those cars. They _______________________ (crash)! III. Complete the sentences with one of the present tenses. Mike often ____________________ (talk) about politics. I ____________________ (have) lunch at the moment. Can I call you back later? What’s so funny? Why ___________________ (you / laugh)? Charles has got a very big stamp collection. He _______________ (collect) since he was six. I ____________________ (never / be) to Scotland. IV. Complete with the article the where necessary. _____ largest city in _____ China is _____ Shanghai. That was _____ most amazing story I’ve ever heard. I called _____ doctor and he said I should stay at _____ home for three days. Have you read _____ book I gave you before you went to _____ Black Sea? I’m meeting _____ Mr Roberts at _____ airport this afternoon.

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