Написать правильный вариант глагола (в скобках) в Present Perfect или Past Perfect Tense. 1. Indeed I (to work) already for several companies on a temporary basis. 2. She (to apply) for several posts this year. 3. He started learning Spanish a few months ago but he (not to obtain) a qualification in it yet. 4. When they (to buy) some fruit they went back to the beach. 5. After we (to eat) dinner we cleared the table. 6. He was broke. He (to spend) all his money. 7. When the teacher entered the classroom she noticed that somebody (to draw) funny pictures on the board. 8. Jack (not to study) very much this term. 9. Everything is going fine. We (not to have) any problems so far. 10. He never (to drive) a car. 11. Bill is on holiday. He (to go) to Britain. 12. The local longer open. It (to close) down. 13. Tom played golf yesterday. He wasn’t good at it because he never (to play) golf before. 14. We didn’t recognize our dean. He (to change) a lot. 15. George (to enter) Oxford university this year.

Есть ответ


Ответ:Have to work
Has applied
Hadnt obtained
Had bough
Had eaten
Has spent
Had drawn
Hasn't studied
We havent had
Had driven
Has go
Has closed
Had played
Has changed
Hasn't entered

Present perfect tense is used to talk about unfinished events that started in the past and continue to the present ,visible result of recently finished acton and life experiences.
Past perfect is usedto describe actions that have been completed before other past actions.It can also describe actions that happened in the distant past

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