Exercise 1. Choose the right answer.Rita Nelson is _______a) 13    b) 14         c) 15Lessons in Rita’s previous school started ata) 7 o’clock      b) 8 o’clock    c) 9 o’clockRita has _______ lessons every day.a) 5            b) 6               c) 7Rita’s lessons are over ata) 3. 00       b) 3.30       c) 4.00After lessons most pupils goa) to sports practice b) home     c) for a walkExercise 2. Name the things in Rita’s new school that are different from her previous school.Number of pupils in Rita’s class.Time when the lessons beginTime when the lessons endNumber of subjects in the curriculum (расписание)Number of lessons every dayExercise 3. True or false?Rita doesn’t like her new school.Today Rita came to school in time.Student don’t love sports in the new school.Many girls play football in the new school.Rita likes to drive a tractor.Exercise 4. Answer the questions on the text "My New School Is Fantastic”.Why has Rita changed her school?When do the lessons begin?Why did the teacher put a note into Rita’s record-book?What clubs did she join?What games do girls play in her new school?What practical things are the children taught?Exercise 5. Write about practical things that you are taught to do in your school.​

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1.b,c,b,a3. F,F,F,T,T2.8 o clock start, finish at 3.30, 7 lessons every day ,from 8 to 3.30( расписание)

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