Поставьте глаголы в настоящее время и переведите: 1. Robert … twenty-five pounds a week. (earn) 2. Robert … beautiful pictures. (paint) 3. She … to come here. (want) 4. They … to buy a television-set. (want) 5. It … two hours to get there. (take) 6. This sweater … four pounds. (cost) 7. Ted … football well. (play) 8. Miriam … too much time with him. (spend) 9. Stan … to the BBC regularly. (listen) 10. Linda … German fluently. (speak) 11. He … medicine. (study) 12. Miss Gibb … very well. (dress) 13. Barry … too much whisky. (drink) 14. Mike … only thrillers. (read) 15. My teacher …very hard. (work) 16. Betty … to me regularly. (write) 17. Mr Bull … us very often. (visit) 18. This beer … sour. (taste) 19. It … on the circumstances. (depend) 20. Water … of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. (consist)

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