Вы приехали в родной город спустя несколько лет и увидели, что много изменилось. Составьте предложения по образцу, используя подстановочные слова.
Example:  a big tree/ in the yard. -  There was a big tree in the yard, but I don’t see it.   two small sport grounds/ nearby/ -  There were two small sport grounds nearby, but I don’t see them.
1. a little garden / nearby;  2. a big fence / round the garden;  3. two little shops / in my street;  4. an old school / in my district;  5. a lot of small and old houses / nearby;  6. a little market / in my district.

Есть ответ


1. There was a little garden nearby; but I don’t see it. 2. There was a big fence round the garden; but I don’t see it.  3. There were two little shops in my street; but I don’t see them. 4. There was an old school in my district; but I don’t see it  5. There were a lot of small and old houses nearby;  but I don’t see them.6. There was a little market in my district. but I don’t see it.

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