Exercise 7 Choose the correct form. 1) If we had closed / closed / have closed the window yesterday, it would not have been / were not / had not been so cold in here. 2) If the lady have not stopped / had not stopped / has not stopped the boy, he could have ran / would have run / has run into the van. 3) The dog had not attacked / would not have attacked / will not attack you if you hadn't teased / had not tease / have not teased it. 4) If they had buyed / had bought / has bought a new tent, they would not got / had not gotten / might not have got wet during the night. 5) The computer had not crashed / crashed not / might not have crashed so often if Larry tested / had tested / have tested it. 6) If she told / had told / tells me, I will collect / would collect / would have collected her from the airport. 7) Your friends hadn't laughed / wouldn't have laughed / won't laugh about you if you have combed / 'd combed / 's combed your hair. 8) If the men had recharged / 'd recharge / recharged the batteries, they will have had / would have had / would had enough power for their laptop. 9) He 'd have caught / would caught / should caught the plane if he has hurried / 'd hurried / 'd have hurried. . 10) If you turned / 'd turned / have turned down the volume of your stereo, the neighbours would not have complained / complained / ‘s not complained.

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