перевод прямой речи в косвенную
my mum asked me:"Will you go to the cinema tomorrov?"
dad said to his son:"Had you done your homework by 6 o`clock?"
tom asked me:"Did you buy the tickets yesterday?"
ann said to nelly:"Will you go to my birhday party tomorry?"
mr.green asked his neighbour:"what did you grow last summer?" 

Есть ответ


1) My mum asked me that if
I would go to the cinema the next day
2) Dad asked his son if he
had done his homework by 6 o'clock
3) Tom asked me if I had
bought the tickets the day before yesterday
4) Ann asked Helly if 
she would go to her birthday party the next day
5) Mr Green asked his
neighbour what he had grown last summer

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