Write the sentences in the Present Perfekt. Translate them into Ukrainian. 1. I have English lessons. 2. The teacher is putting our marks into the register. 3. My friends take exams. 4 . Tanya started school at the age of five.5. The he headmaster explains the things clearly. 6. I am worrying about you. 7. I had a meal in the canteen. 8. I shall enjoy the nature.

Есть ответ


1. I have had English lessons.

2. The teacher has put our marks into the register

3. My friends have taken exams

4. Tanya has started school at the age of five

5. The headmaster has explained the things clearly.

6. I have been worried about you

7. I have had a meal in the canteen.

8. I have enjoed the nature.

Как то так..Украинского к сожалению не знаю 

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