составьте предложения в которых 1 отличается от 2: Example: The city is different from the country. Настояшие слова (через пробел 2 столбик слов)
sea, museum, stadium,what I have, Nice day,noisy street, forsty winter, what I am , sociable person 
Stormy day,quiet place, shy person, art gallery , what I want to have, river, What I want to be, park, hot summer

Есть ответ


1. The sea is different from the river.

2. The museum is different from the art gallery.

3. The stadium is different from the park.

4. What I have is different from what I want to have.

5. The nice day is different from the stormy day.

6. The noisy street is different from the quiet place.

7. The frosty winter is different from the hot summer.

8. What I am is different from what i want to be.

9. The sociable person is different from the shy person.

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