написать письмо спротсменам мира план: -Opening the letter( ...
написать письмо спротсменам мира
-Opening the letter( Dear atletes of the world!...)
-reason for writting the kletter( We are writing this letter because we are worrying that there too many atletes in the world who use drugs...)
-appeal to the addressee(Don't use drugs!...)
-your argument and illustration
-closing with a brigh conclusion or spogan (Let's say "No" to drugs on the Earth!...)
Есть ответ
DEAR ATHLETES OF THE WORLD! I am very glad that I write you this letter! I am writing to you it is because worry about your life and your Health Review! How are you?There are so many athletes who take drugs!Do not take drugs, or your life will be bad.Let's say "No" to drugs on the Earth!I hope you understand me!Goodbye.
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