очень срочно
первый сделан, как пример
1) Mark did not come to my birthday party.Had you invited him?
  2) The cake is tasteless.put/some sugar and butter
  3) I'm going to Sam's birthday party tomorrow.buy / a present
  4) Carol and Martin's wedding is on Friday.send/an invitation
  5) My guests came too early yesterday.made / a cake
  6) Chris and Jane came yesterday. They wanted me to tell them about my visit to Plymouth.take / the photos of the city
  7) My parents want to go to the theatre on their wedding anniversary.book / the tickets
  8) I was in a Chinese Restaurant last Saturday. The food was very tasty.try / Chinese food / before

Есть ответ


1) Mark did not come to my birthday party.Had you invited him?

 2) The cake is tasteless.-Had you put any  sugar and butter?

 3) I'm going to Sam's birthday party tomorrow.-Had you already  bought a present?


4) Carol and Martin's wedding is on Friday.- Had they sent  invitations?


5) My guests came too early yesterday.- Had  you made a cake before their coming?


6) Chris and Jane came yesterday. They wanted me to tell them about my visit to Plymouth.- Had they taken the photos of the city?


7) My parents want to go to the theatre on their wedding anniversary. - Had you booked  the tickets?


8) I was in a Chinese Restaurant last Saturday. The food was very tasty. - Had you  ever tried Chinese food  before?

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