10. Do the crossword puzzle.
1)Canada is a ... in North America.
2)Last summer they went ... .They visited Great Britain and France.
3)When people take food and eat it in a field or in a forest, they have a ... .
4)Liza has some ... for the Russian students.
5)A ... - is a person who travels for pleasure.
6)Could we ... a date and time now?
7)Liza brought a ... from our English partners.

Есть ответ


1)Canada is a country in North America.

2)Last summer they went abroad.They visited Great Britain and France.

3)When people take food and eat it in a field or in a forest, they have a picnic .

4)Liza has some souveniers for the Russian students.

5)A tourist - is a person who travels for pleasure.

6)Could we fix a date and time now?

7)Liza brought a present from our English partners.

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