закончите предложения, употребляя сложное дополнение
" Be careful, or else you will spill the milk, " said my mother to me. -My mother did not want...
Перепишите следующие предложения,употребляя сложное дополнение вместо придаточных дополнительных предложений
1. People expect that the 21st century will bring peace on the earth.
2. I know that my friend is a just man.
3. We expected that they would intensify the whole process
4. We know that mathematics has become man`s second language

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My mother did not want me to spill the milk.


1. People expect the 21st century to bring peace on the earth.

2. I know my friend to be a just man.

3. We expected them to intensify the whole process

4. We know mathematics to become man`s second language

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