Задайте пожалуйста вопросы к предложениям: What a nice son I've got! His name is Bunny.He is grey.He is littlie.He is two.He likes sports.He can play volleyball and basketball.He can play football very well, too. He likes to play football with his friends. He likes to run and jump, too. He is a nice little funny fellow.

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What a nice son I've got! - Has she got a son or a daUghter?

His name is Bunny. - What is his name?

He is grey. - What colour is he?

He is littlie. - He is little, isn't he?

He is two. - How old is he?

He likes sports. - What does he like?

He can play volleyball and basketball. - Can he play volleyball and basketball?

He can play football very well, too.  - Can he play fottball or tennis very well?

He likes to play football with his friends. - With whom does he like to play football?

He likes to run and jump, too. - What else does he like to do?

He is a nice little funny fellow. - He is a nice little funny fellow, isn't he?

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