Выбери глагол в нужной форме.1)I ... this scienсe fiction story recently.a) read    b) have read    с) will read 2)Tommorow they .... yellow and red leaves in the autumn forest.a) collect   b) will collect    c) collected3)Look! The children ... tennis outside.a) play   b)played   c) are playing4)She ... not decorate her room yesterday.a) does   b) will   c) did5)Every year he ...special presents for his nephews. a) buys   b) bought   c) has bought 

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1)I have readthis scienсe fiction story recently.

2)Tommorow they will collect yellow and red leaves in the autumn forest.

3)Look! The children are playing tennis outside.

4)She does not decorate her room yesterday.

5)Every year he buys special presents for his nephews.

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