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Life is a mystery; it dodges at every corner but still there are some moments which take us out of its worries, your birthday is a great source of happiness for all of us. Wish you a special birthday and thanks to keep us together. On your birthday today, most people will wish that you earn lots of money, but I wish you wealth. Most people will wish you fun times but I wish you healthy times. Most people will wish you delight but I wish you pure joy. Most people will wish you many friends, but I wish that we always stay together. Happy Birthday! Life is a journey and birthday is its beginning. As birthday comes every year, it provides an opportunity to start a life with a better passion. Wishing you great moments and a life full of fun specially on this Birthday. I wish you the happiest moments of life on your birthday. May you always enjoy your life. Wishing you fantastic people and friends like us on this Birthday.

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