Неоюходимо вставить или Could или Was able to или Could not. 1. I … finish my homework before 7 pm yesterday. 2. My son … talk when he was only 18 months old. 3. - … (you) play piano before you came to our music school? - I … (not) play very well. 4. We … get ready for the performance in spite of the lack of time. 5. When my sister was only five years old, she … swim very well. One day she … swim across our river.

Есть ответ


1. I сould/ was able to  finish my homework before 7 pm yesterday.

2. My son was able to talk when he was only 18 months old.

3. -Could (you) play piano before you came to our music school? - I  couldn*t play very well.

4. We could not  get ready for the performance in spite of the lack of time.

5. When my sister was only five years old, she could  swim very well. One day she was able to  swim across our river.

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