Put the verbs in brackets in the passive.1 Penicillin ____ (discover) by Sir Alexander Fleming. 2 The thermometer ___ (invent) by Galileo Galilei. 3 The World Wide Web ___ (develop) by Tim Berners-Lee. 4 Hitchocock 's film Vertigo ___ (release) in 1958. 5 The first aeroplane ___ (fly) in 1903. 6 The Eiffel Tower ___ (design) by Gustave Eiffel. 7 The Alhambra ___ (found) by Mohammed II.

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1 Penicillin was discovered by Sir Alexander Fleming. 2 The thermometer was invented by Galileo Galilei. 3 The World Wide Web was developped by Tim Berners-Lee. 4 Hitchocock 's film Vertigo  was released in 1958. 5 The first aeroplane was flown  in 1903. 6 The Eiffel Tower was designed  by Gustave Eiffel. 7 The Alhambra was founded  by Mohammed II.

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