напишите то, что дети будут делать: 1) when winter (spring,summer,autumn) comes; 2) when the weather changes; 3) when John's friends win the football match; 4) when the temperature is 10 below zero ; 5) If it rains; 6) If it doesn't rain ; 7) If it snows; 8) If it doesn't snow

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1)Children will skate in winter.

2)Children will have an allergy when the weather changes.

3)Children will go to the restaurant when John's friends win the football match.

4)Children will ill when the temperature is 10 below zero.

5)Children won't go for a walk if it rains.

6)Children will go for a walk if it doesn't rain.

7)Children will play snowballs if it snows.

8)Children will play snowballs if it doesn't snows.


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