Помогите дать ответи на вопросы.Спиз. 1.Are there many leaves on the trees in your town in July? 2.Are there many birds in your town in April? 3.Are there many rainy days in autumn where you live? 4.Are there much rain in September where you live? 5.Are there many rolls at the nearast baker's in the daytime? 6.Have you got much bread at home now?

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1.There are  a lot of green  leaves on the trees in myr town in July.

2.  There are  many birds in  my  town in April. because many of them return from warm countries in  the end of March or in April.

3. Sometimes there are  many rainy days in autumn where I live.

4.There isn*t much rain in September where I live. Usually we have warn sunny days called INDIAN SUMMER

5.tHERE are many rolls at the nearast baker's in the daytime.

6.We haven*t  got much bread at home now, we buy only what we need to eat

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