вставте в пропуски слова: as, enclose, form, audio, enquiries, further, available, favorably, in, consider, for, opportunity, position, take, to, with Letter 1 With reference 1)…your advertisement in today’s Morning News, I am interested 2)…applying for the 3)…of manager with your company. Could you please send me 4)… and an application 5)… Letter 2 I would like to apply 6)… the position of personal assistant to chief accountant with your company. I 7)…my application form. I am at present working 8)…a secretary in the accounts office at TC Industries. My duties include 9)…and copy typing and dealing 10)…correspondence and telephone 11)…twice a week. I have been going to evening classes in bookkeeping and I intend to 12)…an examination in three months. I am applying for the position because I would like an 13)…to make more use of my training. I would be 14)…for interview at any time. I hope that you will 15)…my application 16)….

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With reference 1) to your advertisement in today’s Morning News, I am interested 2)in applying for the 3) position of manager with your company. Could you please send me 4) enquiries and an application 5) formLetter 2I would like to apply 6) for the position of personal assistant to chief accountant with your company.I 7) enclose  my application form. I am at present working 8)as a secretary in the accounts office at TC Industries. My duties include 9) further and copy typing and dealing 10)with correspondence and telephone 11) audio twice a week. I have been going to evening classes in bookkeeping and I intend to 12) take an examination in three months.I am applying for the position because I would like an 13) opportunity to make more use of my training. I would be 14) available for interview at any time.I hope that you will 15) consider my application 16) favourably.

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