помогите с грамматикой по английскому, нужно поставить глаголы в Perfect-Progressive Tense срочнооо   1.She said the children (to play) since they went out. 2. Tim (to make) the same spelling mistakes since I started teaching him. 3. We ( to correspond) since I moved to this town. 4. How long she ( to study) French before she left for Paris? 5. The children is so dirty. He (to play) in the wet sand since morning. 6. My eyes are aching. I (to read) the report for the whole afternoon. 7. By the time we finish the tenth form, we (to write) a lot of essays and summaries.

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 1.She said the children had been  playing since they went out. 2. Tim had been  making the same spelling mistakes since I started teaching him. 3. We  had been  corresponding since I moved to this town. 4. How long  had she been  studing French before she left for Paris? 5. The children is so dirty. He  has been playing in the wet sand since morning. 6. My eyes are aching. I  have been  reading the report for the whole afternoon. 7. By the time we finish the tenth form, we  have been writing a lot of essays and summaries

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