помогите плиз на завтра.
                                Ex 1.
               Make questoins and give negative answers.
1.Kate can speak English well.
2.You may take my book.
3.Bill must learn the words.
4.I must  help my mother.
5.You my try this sweather on. 
6.My brothers can swim.
                     Ex 2.
       Write the sentences in plural.
1.This man is a doctor.
2.that woman is my sister.
3.this cild in my son.
4. i'm a student. i've got a new uniform.
5.there is a scarf on the chair.
6. this is my sweater.
7.in that girl your sister?
8.that coat in new.  

Есть ответ



1.Can Kate speak Eng. well? No, she cant

2.May i take your book? No, you may not (can't)

3.Must Bill learn the words? No, he mustn't

4.Must i help my mother? No, you mustn't

5.May i try this sweather? No, you may not

6.Can my brother swim? No, he cant


1.These men are doctors

2.These women are my sisters

3.These children are my sons

4.We are students. We have a new uniform

5.There are scarfs on the chair

6.These are my sweaters

7.Are these girls your sisters?

8.These coats are new

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