Придумайте пожалуйста вопросы на английском языке со следующими словами: Thrill(глагол),thrill(существительное),trilling,nightmare,clatter(глагол),clatter(существительное),confuse,confusing,rough,sink(тонуть),groan(глагол,существительное),tremble,annual,reunion,embrace,tear,flow(глагол,существительное),wrinkled,destination,vessel,bare,bareheaded woman,barefooted children,couple.
кто сколько сможет сделайте пожалуйста

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Isn't this ride such a thrill? Can you thrill me? Isn't this view thrilling? Are you suffering from nightmares? Why do you clatter so much? What is all this clatter? Are you trying to confuse me? Do you find this fact confusing? Is this exercise rough? Are you trying to sink? Why must you groan about everything? Did you hear that groan? Does the musc make you tremble? Are you coming to our annual reunion? Will you embrace me? Did I see a tear? Is she going to tear the shirt? Is his shirt wrinkled? Have we reached our destination yet? How much does that vessel cost? Is this land bare? Is she a bareheaded woman? Are there many barefooted children in Africa? Are you two a couple?

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