вставь правельные предложения
вот они:::::
Yes. There's one on Alma Street.
On the 3rd floor.
I'm looking for a board game.
You are welcome.
It's opposite the cafe.
1)where is the toy department?
2)Thank you very much.
3)Excuse me, is there a supermarket around here?
4)Can you tell me where the bakery is?
5)How can i help you?

Есть ответ


1)where is the toy department? - On the 3rd floor.

2)Thank you very much. - You are welcome.

3)Excuse me, is there a supermarket around here? - Yes. There's one on Alma Street.

4)Can you tell me where the bakery is? - It's opposite the cafe.

5)How can I help you? - I'm looking for a board game.


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