правильно употребить в скобках глаголов в Past Simple, Past Countiuos, Past Perfect 
1. When Alison (to enter) the house she (to see) that her son (to play) with a ball which  she (to buy) in the shop. 
2. They (to arrive) to the thatre. 
3. When I (to come) into her room, she (to play) the piano which her father (ot buy) 
4. He(to want )to impress her parents as he (not to meet) them before. 
5. Mother (to tell) that she (to  plan) fish soup and a chocolate mousse for dinner. 
6. When we (to arrive), mothar (to go) into the kitchen to do the last preparations for the meal.
7. We( to want) to know which way they (to choose). 

Есть ответ


1. When Alison entered the house she saw that her son was playing with a ball which  she had  bought in the shop. 

2. They  arrived at the theatre. 

3. When I came into her room, she was playing the piano which her father had bought.

4. He wanted to impress her parents as he had not met them before. 

5. Mother told me that she was  planning fish soup and a chocolate mousse for dinner. 

6. When we arrived, mother was going into the kitchen to do the last preparations for the meal.

7. We  wanted to know which way they had chosen.

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