4 term test. Variant 1.1. Use the right form of Passive Voice.1.The Olympic Games ... in Russia in 1980 and 2014.a) are held b) was held c) were held2. The letters… tomorrow.a) are sent b) were sended c)  will be sent3. America … in 1492.a)  was discovered b) is discovered c) were discovered4. The car … by the boys.a) were washed b) washed c) was washed5. Dinner …  cooked by mum.a) will b) are c) is6. The room … cleaned every day.a) was b) be c) is2. Write the  3 forms of adverbs. Use the example.Example: badly – worse – the worst1. early2. happily3. quickly4. hard5. little3. Translate:1. The Olympic games are hold every four years.2. He has a sore throat. He can hardly speak.3. Today I feel worse than yesterday.4. We can run fastest.4 term test. Variant 2.1. Use the right form of Passive Voice.1.The Olympic Games ... in China in 2008.a) are held b) was held c) were held2. The mascot of the games … tomorrow.a) are chosen b) were chosen c)  will be chosen3. America … in 1492.a)  has discovered b) is discovered c) was discovered4. The car … by the boys.a) were washed b)  was washed c) washed5. Breakfast …  cooked by mum.a) will b) are c) is6. The classroom … cleaned every day.a) was b) will c) is2. Write the  3 forms of adverbs. Use the example.Example: badly – worse – the worst1. well2. slowly3. amazingly4. late5. little3.Translate:1. The doctor has examined us lately.2. Coubertin thought highly of sport.3. I can jump highest.4. The swimming competition is held every year.помогите выбрать правильные ответы пожалуйста ​

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