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Задание: Choose the right word to complete these sentences.
1) An _____ is a person who drives a railway engine.
a) engine officer   b) engineman   c) engine driver
2) Someone who makes walls with bricks is a ______.
a) wallmaker  b) bricklayer c) brickmaker
3)A _____ is a person who cuts men's hair.
a) hairman    b) haidresser   c) barber
4) Rubbish is collected by ______.
a) rubbish collectors  b) bin collectors  c) dustmen
5) A _____ is a person who makes outer ( usually men's) clothes.
a) tailor   b) dressmaker  c) coatsman
6)To deal with people who come to stay in a hotel or come to visit a doctor or a businessman is a job of a _______.
a) receptionist   b) receiver   c) reception manager
7) A person who prepares food is a _______.
a) cook  b) cooker  c) cook specialist
8) A chemist is a person who _____.
a) teaches chemistry  b) loves chemistry and medicine c) makes and sells medicines

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1) An _____ is a person who drives a railway engine.   c) engine driver2) Someone who makes walls with bricks is a ______. b) bricklayer3)A _____ is a person who cuts men's hair.  b) hairdresser  4) Rubbish is collected by ______.  a) rubbish collectors 5) A _____ is a person who makes outer ( usually men's) clothes. a) tailor   6)To deal with people who come to stay in a hotel or come to visit a doctor or a businessman is a job of a _______. a) receptionist  7) A person who prepares food is a _______. a) cook  8) A chemist is a person who _____. c) makes and sells medicines

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