Заполните пропуски возвратными местоимениями.  Example: She never thinks about her friends. She only thinks about _________. -  She never thinks about her friends. She only thinks about herself.   1. She never thinks about her friends. She only thinks about _________ . 2. Be careful! The knife is very sharp. Don't cut _________ . 3. I'd like to know something about you. Tell me about _________ , please. 4. The task was very difficult but he did it _________ . 5. The girls cooked dinner _________ . 6. We wanted to write a tale _________ and we did it. 7. Boys and girls, I'm sure you'll translate this letter _________ without my help.

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1. She never thinks about her friends. She only thinks about  HERSELF . 2. Be careful! The knife is very sharp. Don't cut  yourself . 3. I'd like to know something about you. Tell me about  yourself- тебе (ед.ч.)  yourselves- вас (мн. ч) , please. 4. The task was very difficult but he did it himself . 5. The girls cooked dinner themselves . 6. We wanted to write a tale    ourselves and we did it. 7. Boys and girls, I'm sure you'll translate this letter yourselves   without my help

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