Выберите правильную форму местоимения.   Example: Tell him not to forget (his, his) ticket; she mustn't forget (her, hers) either. - Tell him not to forget his ticket; she mustn't forget hers either.  l. Tell him not to forget (his, his) ticket; she mustn't forget (her, hers) either. 2. I'm afraid I've lost (my, mine) pen. Can you lend me (your, yours). 3. Lend them (your, yours) dictionary. They have left (their, theirs) at home. 4. My bag is heavier than (your, yours). 5. We've taken our dictionaries. Has she taken (her, hers)? 6. Those seats are not (our, ours). 7. Would you like to see some of (her, hers) latest -works? 8. She hasn't read (your, yours) poems yet. 9. If this book is neither (her, hers) nor (his, his), it is probably (my, mine). 10. (Their, theirs) knowledge of the subject is not much better than (our, ours). 11. I'm afraid they will use (your, yours) words against (her, hers). 12. All (our, ours) clothes were very dirty, and (my, mine) especially so. 13. I don't know which things are (your, yours) and which are (our, ours). 14. (Their, theirs) boat was faster than (our, ours). 16. This is (your, yours) notebook, and that is (his, his). But where is (my, mine)? 17. Whose poems did you like more: (her, hers) or that young poet? 18. His composition is much more interesting than (your, yours) or (my, mine). 19. She told me about (her, hers) business trip yesterday. 20. I'll read you (my, mine) composition and you'll readme (your, yours). 21. His brother and (my, mine) worked in St. Petersburg last year.

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l. Tell him not to forget his ticket; she mustn't forget  hers either.

2. I'm afraid I've lost my pen. Can you lend me  yours.

3. Lend them your dictionary. They have left  theirs at home.

4. My bag is heavier than  yours.

5. We've taken our dictionaries. Has she taken  hers?

6. Those seats are not  ours.

7. Would you like to see some of her   latest works?

8. She hasn't read your poems yet.

9. If this book is neither  hers nor his, it is probably mine.

10. Their knowledge of the subject is not much better than  ours.

11. I'm afraid they will use  your   words against her.

12. All  our  clothes were very dirty, and   mine especially so.

13. I don't know which things are  yours and which are  ours.

14. Their  boat was faster than  ours.

16. This is your notebook, and that is  his. But where is  mine?

17. Whose poems did you like more: hers or that young poet?

18. His composition is much more interesting than  yours or  mine.

19. She told me about her business trip yesterday.

20. I'll read you  my composition and you'll read me  yours.

21. His brother and  mine worked in St. Petersburg last year.

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