Помогите пожалуйста срочно, нужно переделать в косвеную речь- did you find my suitcase? How long have you worked here? What are we going to do today? What time do we leave tomorrow? Who made the sculpture in the square? What time do the shops open?

Есть ответ


did you find my suitcase? - He asked if I had found his suitcase

How long have you worked here? - He wondered how long  I had worked there

What are we going to do today? - He wanted to know what  we were  going to do that day

What time do we leave tomorrow? - He interested what time we left the next day- the following day

Who made the sculpture in the square? - He asked who had made the sculpture in the square

What time do the shops open?- He asked what time  the shops opened

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