Составьте все возможные типы вопросов на основе данных предложений.
1.The lecture will be delivered by a visiting professor.
2.There are all modern conveniences in the cottege.
3.That man has been to Australia five times.
4.It often rains in autumn in this country.
5.The dark cave was inhabited by bats.
6.The annual competitions on the river Thames attract many peole.
7.Daniel will become a manager if he graduates from the university.
8.They do sport to keep fit. 

Есть ответ


1.The lecture will be delivered by a visiting professor.

Will the lecture l be delivered by a visiting professor?

What  will be delivered by a visiting professor?

Whom will  the lecture  be delivered by?

The lecture will be delivered by a visiting professor, won*t it?

Will the lecture  or exam  be delivered by a visiting professor?

2.There are all modern conveniences in the cottege.

Are there all modern conveniences in the cottege?

Where are  there  all modern conveniences?

What is there  in the cottege?

There are all modern conveniences in the cottege, aren*t there?

Are there  all modern   conveniences in the  flat or the  cottege?

3.That man has been to Australia five times.

Has that man  been to Australia five times?

Who  has been to Australia five times?

Where has that man  been  five times?

That man has been to Australia five times, hasn*t he?

Has that man  been to Australia or Japan  five times?

4.It often rains in autumn in this country.

Does it often rain in autumn in this country?

Where does it often rain in autumn?

It often rains in autumn in this country, doesn*t it?

Does it often rain in autumn or in spring  in this country?

5.The dark cave was inhabited by bats.

Was the dark cave  inhabited by bats?

What was  inhabited by bats?

Whom was the dark cave  inhabited by?

The dark cave was inhabited by bats, wasn*t it?

Was the dark cave was inhabited by bats or foxes?

6.The annual competitions on the river Thames attract many people.

Do the annual competitions on the river Thames attract many people?

What  attracts  many people on the river Thames  ?

WHERE do the annual competitions  attract many people?

The annual competitions on the river Thames attract many people, don*t they?

Do the annual competitions on the river Thames or the Severn  attract many people?

7.Daniel will become a manager if he graduates from the university.

Will Daniel  become a manager if he graduates from the university?

Who will become a manager if he graduates from the university?

What will Daniel  become if he graduates from the university?

Daniel will become a manager if he graduates from the university. won*t he?

Will Daniel  become a manager or a lawyer  if he graduates from the university?

8.They do sport to keep fit.

Do they do sport to keep fit?

Who does sport to keep fit?

Why do they do sport ?

They do sport to keep fit, don*t they?

Do they do sport  or  diet to keep fit?


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