Прочитай текст вставляя в него не достоющие предлоги и ответь на вопросы!
You see Rob and Ann. They are ... the park. They are ... the bench. It is black and old. The dog and the cat are... the bench.The bench is... a big green tree. Rob and Ann are happy: they see a little chick ... the bench. It is a robin.
Где точки нужно втавлять предлог.
И  ответьте на вопросы
1) Where are Rob and Ann?
2) Are they happy?
3) Are they in the park or in the street?
4) Is Rob on the bench?
5) Is Ann at the bench?
6) Where are the dog and the cat?
7) Where is the bench?
8) Is the bench green?
9) Is it old?
10) Is the chick big or little?
11) Is it a robin?

Есть ответ


You see Rob and Ann. They are in the park. They are on the bench. It is black and old. The dog and the cat are near the bench.The bench is under a big green tree. Rob and Ann are happy: they see a little chick on the bench. It is a robin.

1) Where are Rob and Ann?

-They are in the park

2) Are they happy?

-Yes, they are

3) Are they in the park or in the street?

-They are in the park

4) Is Rob on the bench?

-Yes, he is

5) Is Ann at the bench?

Yes, she is

6) Where are the dog and the cat?

-They are near the bench

7) Where is the bench?

-The bench isunder a big green tree

8) Is the bench green?

-No it isn't. It is black

9) Is it old?

-Yes, it is

10) Is the chick big or little?

-It is little.

11) Is it a robin?

-Yes, it is

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