Put the following sentences Into the Passive Voice. 
1. We shall finish the work not later than on Friday. 2. Somebody has invited her to the party. 3. People laughed at her when she said it. 4.I felt that somebody was watching me. 3. Did they give you alt the necessary books? 6. The teacher explained a new rule to the students. 7. I showed the documents to the officer. 8. the director dictated a telegram to the secretary.

Есть ответ


1. The work should be finished not later than on Friday.

2. She had been invited to the party.

3. Were all the necessary books given to you

4. I felt that I was watched.

6. The new rule was explained to the students.

7. The documents were shown to the officer.

8. A telegram was dictated to the secretary (by the director)

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