Say what medical problems you might have,...
Exampl: If I run fast, I might get a backache.
-if you eat too fast?
-if you eat a lot of sweets and chocolate?
-if you don't eat fruit and vegetables?
-if you get wet (промокли) on a cold day?
-if your neighbours make much noise?
-if you play football / badminton?
-if you fall dows?

Есть ответ


if you eat too fast, уоu can  choke with food.

if you eat a lot of sweets and chocolate, you will have   toothache.

if you don't eat fruit and vegetables, you might have vitamin deficiency .

if you get wet  on a cold day, you can  get sick.

if your neighbours make much noise, you can complain to them.

if you play football you migt  score a goal in gate.
if you fall dows you might break something.

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