Change the following sentences into the passive voice: 1.He didnt clean the room yesterday. 2.I shall send a letter to my friend next monday. 3.Who wrote this book? 4.We were discussing the text when he entered. 5.They have already chosen the topic of the discussion. 6. When did you receive this information. 7.He must feed his pet every day. 8. My grandfather built a house two years ago. 9. What pets do people keep in their houses? 10.I shall give her all the paper tomorrow. 11. We always help him when he is in trouble. 12.If you dont take me to the station, I shall be late. 13.WIll you return the book to Mary tomorrow. 14.We dont usually write articles about music for the school newspaper. 15.How many friends will you invite to the party? 16.My mother didnt help me to write the essay in English. 17.Do you often help your mother about the house. помогите пожалуиста!!!!

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Предыдущий участник не прав. Предложения необходимо переделать в пассивный залог, а не в косвенную речь. 

1. The room wasn`t cleaned by him yesterday.

2. The letter will be sent to my friend next monday

3. Who this book was written?

4. The text was being discussed by us when he entered.

5. The topic of the discussion has been already chosen

6. When was this information received.

7. His pet must be fed every day

8. The house was built by my grandfathe two years ago

9. What pets are kept by people in the house

10. The paper must be given to her tomorrow

11. He is always helped by us when he is in trouble

12. If I am not taken to the station, I will be late

13. Will the book be returned to Mary tomorrow

14. The articles about music are not usually written for the school newspaper

15. How many friends will be invited to the party

16. I wasn`t helped to write the Essay in English be my mother

17. Is you mother often helped about the house by you

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