Put the verb in the brackets into the correct form.
1. I’m hungry. I wish it (be) _____ time for lunch.
2.If I (get up) ______ early tomorrow morning, I (go) _______ jogging.
3. If Columbus (not have) ______ such passion for travelling, be (not discover) _____ America in 1492.
4. Plants (die) ______ if you (not water) ______ them.
5. Terry has a terrible headache. He wishes he (drink) ______ less at the party yesterday.
6. I (do) ______ the same if I (be) ______ you.
7. Robby, look at the man! If he (work) ______ harder at school, he (not sweep) ____ the streets now.

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Put the verb in the brackets into the correct form.

1. I’m hungry. I wish it (be) was time for lunch.

2.If I (get up) will get up early tomorrow morning, I (go) will go jogging.

3. If Columbus (not have) hadn't had such passion for travelling, be (not discover) would not discover America in 1492.

4. Plants (die) will die if you (not water) don't water them.

5. Terry has a terrible headache. He wishes he (drink) drank less at the party yesterday.

6. I (do) would do the same if I (be) was you.

7. Robby, look at the man! If he (work) would have worked harder at school, he (not sweep) wouldn't be sweeping the streets now.

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