I. Запишите номера слов, соответствующих смыслу данных предложений. 1.founder 2.product 3.alone 4.ideas 5.fans 6.way 7.habits 8.disturbing 9.worldwide 10.listening 11.invention Like all the best ... (11) “Walkman” was a brilliant one. There has never been a ... (8) that defines personal ... (9) freedom better than “Walkman”. Legend has it that Akio Morita wanted a new ... (10) of listening to his beloved opera without ... (11) others but even Sony’s ... (12) was surprised that his ... (13) would revolutionize the listening ... (14) of well over 65 million music ... (15) the world over. Last year ... (16) more than 3 million “ Walkmans” were sold ... (17).

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Like all the best  11.inventions “Walkman” was a brilliant one.
There has never been a 2.product that defines personal  4.ideas of  freedom better than “Walkman”.
Legend has it that Akio Morita wanted a new 6.way of listening to his beloved opera without  8.disturbing others but even Sony’s  1.founder was surprised that his 7 listening  would revolutionize the listening 3. habits of well over 65 million music 5.fans  the world over.
Last year   10.alone  more than 3 million “ Walkmans” were sold 9.worldwide. 

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